
Saturday, 23 May 2009

CSI: Miami S60v5 N5800 XpressMusic

Become one of them and lead the investigation!
A young woman is found dead on South Beach… Join the CSIs in Miami and lead the investigation in the official mobile game of the popular TV series. Move through the vibrant city to scope out crime scenes, perform autopsies and interrogate suspects. Carefully gather evidence using a whole arsenal of scientific investigation tools and analyze samples at the lab. Collaborate with Horatio, Calleigh, Delko and Dr. Alexx Woods to build a case and uncover the truth!
- Team up with the characters from the show including Horatio, Calleigh, Delko and Dr. Alexx Woods;
- All CSI tools are at your disposal: CT scan, luminol, swab, tweezers, pipette and print collector;
- Collect the evidence, analyze it at the lab and then interrogate the suspects;
- Watch the suspects’ reactions as you interrogate them, and try to read between the lines!

Original versions for

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, N97 (S60v5 360×640)


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